Saturday, 26 September 2009

Update 26|09|2009

where to start..
we havent really been updating this as much as we planned to.
over the last few months a hell of a lot of alterations have taken place, due to jobs/family/situations ect, and its a strange thing to take time out amongst all the 'change' to write it down, so as i sit here in the control room, Saturday morning, recording our new record lungfish, I'm going to attempt a bit of an update.

so as most know, a few moths back robin (guitar) decided to leave heretics, mainly due to "musical differences", we were then joined by elliot withers of rookie error (temporarily), who has been just amazing, adding a new life to the band.
so heretics continued as rob(me), chris, Jow, tinny and elliot, we continued gigging and writing new material.

every artist works differently, and Jow is a perfect example, every lyric every melody was thought-out days, weeks or even months before he even made a sound. this shaped the way we write our music as a band. our average songwriting/jam session, would usually be we(me,chris,tinny,elliot) write the music while jow absorbs what we play and writes his lyrics and melodies around it, it worked beautifully.

eventually three songs/ideas we're born, with the working titles: viking song, chris's house, and happy doomsday.
with little contributions from jow, the songs we're all instrumental, with some vocal ideas but no solid vocal material.
the four of us progressed, the songs evolved, we grew tighter stronger, our children we're growing up!
gigging continuously, so eager to get the new material heard, despite the fact of no definite vocals we booked studio time.

11 Sep 2009, we had a local gig set, pretty last minute but all totally up for it, Jow calls us to say he's not going to be able to do it.
usually we would give it a miss, but at the practice previous, we somehow come up with the idea of doing an instrumental gig.
no reason, just an experiment. some fun.
the gig went down fucking amazing, with amazing feedback from people who have seen us play many of times before, not just oh "good set guys" people were actually totally stoked but what they heard/saw.
this gave us a massive buzz about the new material, it felt natural, it felt 'us'

next practice, no Jow, we start to get really concerned, i get a message saying he needs to talk.

the reason for Jow leaving is purely down to him being torn between his home life/ work and the band, its such a hard thing for anyone to be in a band, its one of those things where its 'all or nothing', there is no compromise, and Jow feels he is holding us back by not giving paying enough attention, not having enough time.

its made us realize how important this is to us, its cliche, but what doesn't kill us will only make us stronger.
three songs. four dedicated friends. and a love for making music.... LUNGFISH is born.

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